Fissure Sealant/Fluoride Treatment


Fissure sealants consist of a thin protective layer of a special and very hard-wearing plastic material that is painted over the chewing surfaces of back teeth. These surfaces are particularly vulnerable towards decay due to the nature of their design. If you look at these teeth you will see they have lots of very deep fissures that can easily trap food and bacteria. Ornate Dental Clinic prefers to seal these surfaces whenever we can and is why we may suggest this treatment for you. By sealing these surfaces we can prevent decay from occurring, protecting and preserving these teeth, we hopefully for life.


Fissure sealants are frequently applied to children’s newly erupted adult back teeth as they can only be used on teeth that do not have any signs of decay and which don’t have any fillings. There is no reason why adults with healthy back teeth cannot benefit from this treatment and it is quick, non-invasive and long-lasting. The fissure sealants are simply painted on to newly cleaned teeth that have been lightly etched to improve the bond between the sealant and the tooth. The sealant soon hardens and is thin enough not to affect your bite. There is no need for anaesthetic and we do regularly check the condition of any fissure sealants in case they need reapplying.


Fluoride’s primary benefit is that it helps prevent tooth decay. It can also reverse erosion that has already taken place. If plaque forms on the teeth and eats away at the enamel, fluoride treatments can replace the minerals in the enamel that have eroded. This allows teeth to remain healthy.

Professional fluoride treatments generally take just a few minutes. The fluoride may be in the form of a solution, gel, foam or varnish. Typically, it is applied with a cotton swab or brush, or it is used as a rinse or placed in a tray that is held in the mouth for several minutes.

After the treatment, you may be asked not to rinse, eat or drink for at least 30 minutes to allow the teeth to absorb the fluoride and help repair microscopic carious areas.

Depending on your oral health status, fluoride treatments may be recommended every three, six or 12 months. Your dentist also may recommend additional preventive measures if you are at a moderate or high risk of developing caries. These measures may include over-the-counter or prescription therapeutic products such as fluoride mouth rinses, gels or antibac.

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